  • 期刊


The introduction of New Culture Movement of China -Literature Thoughts of the First Generation Sinologist of Korea in 1920s and 1930s Korea



本文探討1920、30 年代三位韓國籍中國現代文學家梁健植、丁來東、金台俊接納及介紹中國新文化運動的情況。1915 年開始的中國新文化運動,受到了同時期韓國知識分子的關注,其中在文學方面如新文學形式的出現、以文學的角度去認識現實、啓蒙等等思考,皆對1920、30年代韓國的文化、文學發展過程起到了不小的作用。在1920年代初梁健植帶著對中國新文化運動的深刻認同,積極熱情地翻譯中國新文學作品,他希望他的翻譯能為韓國文學的成長及韓國的新文化建設做出貢獻。而丁來東在1923年,即新文化運動退潮之後,他到了中國留學,成爲了中國文學研究的專家,其特點是他與新文化運動保持著一定的距離並做出客觀評價。至於金台俊是在1930年代初到中國的,其看見當時文藝運動領導思想運動的現象,形成了其對新文化運動的認識,可是此後他傾向於無產階級文學,因此他轉而覺得當時文學發展應該突破新文化運動,此為其特點所在。綜上可見,1920、30年代韓國知識分子通過接受與引介中國新文化運動,特別是中國的文學論述及文學作品,去呼應當時韓國文學的時代課題及使命,而韓國有關中國新文化運動的話語,也在韓中的知識網絡基礎上逐漸形成,此即可作為近代韓中知識網絡並非斷絕或失效之綫索與明證。


The New Culture Movement, which started in China at 1915, leaded the reform of idea, language and literature. Yang Geonsik, Jung Naedong and Kim Taejoon, who can be called as the first generation sinologists in modern Korea, had interest in it during 1920-30s. Especially, the birth of new writing style, perceptions of reality through literature, enlightenment in thoughts became the main references for them to seek the way for Korean revolution of literature, culture and thoughts. Yang Geonsik expressed sympathy with New Culture Movement of China deeply therefore translated several volumes of novels and plays of modern China and hoped Chinese literature can be helpful to the growth of literature and the revolution of ideas in modern Korea. Jung Naedong went to China to study after New Culture Movement declined. It made him evaluate New Culture Movement more objectively, although he also hoped to learn from Chinese literature. Kim Taejoon on the one hand witnessed literature movement served as useful means in social and ideological movement, but on the other hand regarded New Culture Movement as the past of current proletarian literature, all his views are based on socialist ideas. These three types of view constructed the multiple images of New Culture Movement of China in 1920s-30s Korea. All of these views are relevant to the effort of Korean intellectuals to accomplish the reconstruction of Korean literature. It can be important historical resources for describing the knowledge communication and network of Korea and China between 1910s and 1930s.


丁來東:〈中國文人印象記〉,《東亞日報》,1935 年5月1日 -5 月8日。
丁來東:〈中國短篇小說家魯迅及其作品〉,《朝鮮日報》第x面,1931 年1月4日。
丁來東:〈文壇肅清以及外國文學輸入之必要(四)(文壇肅清과斗外國文學輸入의必要[제4회,全4回〕)(四) 〉,《東亞日報》第3面第1 單,1935 年8月7日。.
丁來東:《丁來東全集》第1、2冊,首爾:金剛出版社(금강출판사) 1971年。
天台山人:〈文學革命後中國文藝觀-一過去十四年間(文學革命後의中國文藝觀一過去十四年間)〉,《東亞日報》,1930年11月12日 -12 月8日。
