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Analysis of Motor Coordination Ability in 11-To 12-Year-Old Taiwanese Aboriginal Children


背景與目的:過去研究顯示原住民兒童有較佳的基本動作能力,但國內卻僅有一篇研究指出9-10歲原住民兒童也有較佳的動作協調能力。因此本研究在於分析11-12歲原住民兒童的動作協調能力,並調查其發展協調障礙之盛行率。方法:167位原住民兒童(122名男童與45名女童)接受Movement Assessment Battery for Children(Movement ABC)測驗評估其動作協調能力,而各測驗面向標準分數對照全國常模後可換算為Z分數,再進一步以單一樣本t檢定來比較原住民兒童與全國常模的差異程度,並以獨立樣本t檢定來比較不同性別原住民兒童之動作協調能力。結果:原住民兒童之Z分數在Movement ABC測驗的所有面向皆顯著低於全國常模(障礙分數越低代表動作表現越佳;p<.001),而11-12歲原住民兒童之發展協調障礙盛行率為7.慨。此外,原住民男童在MovementABC測驗的球類技巧明顯較女童好(0.53±1.18 vs. 1.51±1.8),而原住民女童雖然在手部操作靈活度與平衡能力面向並無顯著優於男童,但在其中細項的翻轉木控(0.24±0.80 vs. 0.57±0.97)與雙平衡板平衡(1. 27±1.68 vs. 1.65±2.04)卻發現顯著優於男童的表現(p<.05)。結論:本篇研究顯示11-12歲原住民兒童有較優異之動作協調能力,尤其是在平衡能力面向,而其發展協調障礙盛行率也遠低於過去國內研究。


Background and Purpose: Previous studies had demonstrated that Taiwanese aboriginal children may have better basic motor ability than non-aboriginal children. However, there was only an empirical study which indicated that aboriginal children had better motor coordination ability. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the motor coordination ability of Taiwanese 11- to 12-year-old aboriginal children and to investigate the prevalence of children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Methods: A total of 167 participants, including 122 aboriginal boys and 45 girls, were assessed by the Movement Assessment Battery for Children test (Movement ABC). After transforming the standard scores to z-scores by contrasting with the national norm, we used one-sample t-test to distinguish the degree of difference between aboriginal children and the national norm. Moreover, the independent t-test was used to compare the motor test scores between different genders. Results: The z-scores of aboriginal ch ildren were significantly lower than the national norm in all domains of the Movement ABC test (the lower impairment scores, the better motor performance; p<.001). In addition, the prevalence ofDCD in 11- to 12-year-old aboriginal children was 7.8%. Furthermore, aboriginal boys had better motor performance than girls in the Ball Skills domain. On the other hand, even aboriginal girls did not prevail over boys in domains of Manual Dexterity and Balance, they outperformed the aboriginal boys in the items of Turning Pegs and Two-board Balance (p<.05). Conclusion: This study proves that the motor coordination ability in Taiwanese 11- to 12-year-old aboriginal children seems to be better than non-aboriginal children, especially in the Balance domain, and the prevalence of DCD in aboriginal children is far lower than previous studies in Taiwan.
