  • 期刊


Post-Pandemic Era-Preliminary Exploration of Online Unstructured Counseling Group Leading Techniques and Leaders' Intentions




Unstructured counseling groups bring up therapeutic effects through authentic interpersonal interactions and the learning from interpersonal feedbacks face to face. The group facilitates the interpersonal interactions and feedbacks during the process, increasing participants' self-awareness. Then impacted by the COVID-19, the online counseling group has become a new-rising professional working model. This study analyzes an unstructured counseling group with eight members and two leaders. The study aims at the group leaders' intervention intentions and techniques during the group leading process, and compares the findings to local journals and researches. The results show that: a.) in Basic Communication techniques, the summarizing and inviting techniques are most frequently used, b.) in Exploring and Influencing techniques, the probing and feedback techniques used more frequently, c.) in Facilitating Group techniques, the linking, focusing, and silent techniques are used frequently, d.) in Action and Intervention techniques, the structuralize and the utilize group resource techniques are most frequently used, and e.) within Group Leaders' Intentions, the setting and promoting personal goal is the most obvious one. The comparison of techniques usage between in-face counseling groups and online counseling groups indicates the similarity of trends of Basic Communication techniques in the group process. And the other techniques as Exploring and Influencing, Facilitating Group, and Action and Intervention are shown less similarity in the comparison. In online counseling groups, the Exploring and Influencing techniques start to maintain in high applying rate after the group entered the working phase. The graph of Facilitating Group techniques appears dual-peak shape, and the Action and Intervention techniques show a higher applying rate only after the group entered the working phase but remain low in the rest of the group process. Based on the findings, some suggestions for practice and future research were proposed.




