  • 期刊


The Experiences of Play Therapists in Play Therapy Supervision




This study explored play therapists' experience after receiving play therapy supervision. This study used semi-structured interviews to collect data from 6 play therapists. The results and finds are as follows. In the study, the supervisees' experience includes the expectation of therapists, the transformation of feeling, and the learning and the growth in the process. The expectation of therapists is self-checking, enhancing professional competence and promoting self-growth. From nervous process to respectful and accepted process, it helps the supervisees present themselves truthfully under the supervision, which is the important foundation. Besides, they learned how to inspect the therapy process specifically and more objectively, to be able to integrate practice and therapy, and to develop the framework of evaluation. Furthermore, they also learned how to show their attitude from supervision. The supervisees also had a lot of growth after supervisions, which includes getting more self-awareness, accepting self-deficient and therapist's attitude, ability and traits. For play therapists, who were under the supervision, not only help them to deepen the professional development, but also have a positive impact on themselves. Finally, some recommendations are also provided for play therapists and further research.


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