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On the Image of Martyrs in Chen Chieh-Jen's "Ling Chi: Echoes of a Historical Photograph" and the Movie "Martyrs"


關於受刑受難的肖像為藝術史上最常見的題材之一。西方著名的被蟒蛇纏身而展現痛苦糾結的勞孔群像,耶穌受難形象,聖賽巴斯蒂安及聖女貞徳等宗教聖徒殉教百態;東方則有十八層地獄圖跟滿清十大酷刑的凌遲史照。面對這些圖像,人們也許會憐憫受難者所受到的苦楚,面對諸聖殉道像時,可能會因聖人的信仰與堅毅受到啟發,或感到自慚。凌遲把刑罰的殘酷性推至極致,同時也把悲劇之美張揚到極致,其所形成的藝術效果是喚醒觀者尊重生命和人權,同時人的生命尊嚴和價值必將重新定位和評價。台灣當代藝術家陳界仁正是抓住上述這種心理,創作出一系列具多重諷刺性的影像作品。本文欲以陳界仁《凌遲考:一張歷史照片的迴音》與電影《極限:殘殺煉獄Martyrs》作為交互文本,以文本分析法探討Georges Bataille所謂帶有恐怖與狂喜的,包含死亡自覺,超越自我的宗教經驗。從兩部作品中可見,橫跨古今的犧牲圖像之震撼,以及人類歷史之殘酷,殉道所反映的是一種艱難的精神堅守,其悲劇藝術魅力就源於這種超越生死和時代框囿的精神。對這一核心觀念與創作實踐的分析,不僅可以更加理解陳界仁之創作核心,也對當代影像藝術的創作與人類生存困境的關係提出了思考。


Portraits of torture and suffering are one of the most common themes in art history. In the West, the famous Laocoon Group image, the image of the crucifixion, Saint Sebastian, Joan of Arc and other religious saints who are entangled in pythons and show pain and entanglement. The Ling Chi Historical Photograph. In the face of these images, people may feel pity for the suffering suffered by the victims. When faced with the martyrdom statues of the saints, they may be inspired by the faith and perseverance of the saints, or feel ashamed. Ling Chi pushes the cruelty of punishment to the extreme, and at the same time exaggerates the beauty of tragedy to the extreme. The artistic effect formed by it is to awaken viewers to respect life and human rights. At the same time, the dignity and value of human life will be repositioned and evaluated. Taiwan contemporary artist Chen Chieh-Jen has grasped this psychology and created a series of multiple satirical video works. This article intends to use Chen Chieh-Jen's "Ling Chi: Echoes of a Historical Photograph" and the film "Martyrs" as interactive texts, use textual analysis to explore Georges Bataille 's so-called religious experience with horror and ecstasy, including death consciousness and self-transcendence. It can be seen from the two works that the shock of the image of sacrifice across ancient and modern times, and the cruelty of human history, martyrdom reflects a kind of hard spiritual persistence, and its tragic artistic charm stems from this kind of transcendence of life and death and the constraints of the times. Spirit. The analysis of this core concept and creative practice can not only better understand the mystery of Chen Chieh-Jen' s creation phenomenon, but also put forward thinking about the relationship between contemporary video art creation and the dilemma of human existence.
