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孤寂與存在-解讀漢斯.艾門尼格(Hans Emmenegger)1930年代的「樹林」系列

Solitude and Existence - Hans Emmenegger(1866 - 1940) "Forest" series(1930s)




The "Forest" series made by the early 20^(th)-century artist Hans Emmenegger in the 1930s were some of the essential pieces of work in the later years of his creative career. The author combined his own experiences with the knowledge gained from reading about the "Forest" series in the Luzern Art museum to read between the lines and present the insights based on the works' unique presentation. Utilizing forests as the main subject, Emmenegger uses unique framing techniques alongside exaggerated light juxtaposition and simplified designs. The "Forest" series not only convey the trees to the viewer but also reveals the serenity and loneliness underneath the surface, giving the feeling of time frozen within the frames. The author believes that the aspects of melancholy and loneliness found in Emmenegger's works in the 1930s stemmed from his financial woes and solitude. Still, apart from personal factors, the era in general also played a significant part. These environmental factors may have included the Great Depression in the 1930s, the tense atmosphere enveloping Europe and the rise of Existentialism amongst others. Of possible environmental influences, the author takes particular note of Existentialism due to the themes of melancholy, serenity, and loneliness being highly correlated to Existentialistic philosophy. To summarize, through his forest paintings, Emmenegger not only expressed himself in his works but also reflected the era they were created in.
