  • 期刊


Implementation and Effectiveness of Character Education in Cultural and Creative Industries Practitioners


文化創意產業為新興產業,亦為將傳統產業加值的產業,其人才的培育除了專業技能外,品德的涵養至為重要。在台灣透過融入式課程教學及服務教育來實施品德教育,已為大學主流方式。勤益科技大學文化創意事業系根據校院系的教育目標進一步規畫開設相關課程以強化品德教育,為了解學生對這些課程的看法,於2014 年5 月對全系學生發放問卷,統計結果發現,學生認定的重要性依序為人際關係64%、職場倫理61%、團體領導實務55%、情緒管理52%、勞作與社會服務教育49%、志工培訓47%、普通心理學41%、經典選讀14%,可為以後課程修訂、規劃的參考。在其他因素影響評估結果方面,由學生的意見歸納為以下幾個面向:1. 課程面:許多課程都會對學生造成影響,都需融入品德教育。2. 教材教法面:學生們認為儒家教材(孝經、論語)、影片與討論、實作課程、親自體驗、說故事及實際案例都是很好的。3. 教師面:老師要有修養及充滿正向積極的想法;教師間及師生間需相互尊重。4. 系務面:適時安排業界教師分享與實作是必要的。另外,學生們顯然不希望為開課而開課,然一但開課則需課程結構嚴謹,尤其教師的以身作則、樹立典範,是品德教育最重要的方式。


The school has been implementing character education through practicing labor and social services. The Department also set up courses according to the school faculty educational goals. In the research survey, the statistical result shows students consider the importance of different subjects: 64% in Interpersonal Relationships, 61% in Workplace Ethics, 55% in Group Leader Practice, 52 % in Emotion Management, 49% in Labor and Social Services Education, 47% in Volunteer Workshops, 41% in General Psychology, and 14% in Sutra Reading. The statistics can be the reference for future curriculum revision. Impact assessment in terms of other factors, summarized the views of students into the following dimensions: 1. Course: Many courses will have an impact on students; it is necessary to integrate character education in courses. 2. Teaching Material: Students believe that the Confucian teaching materials (Book of Filial Piety, the Analects), videos and discussions, labs, practical experience, storytelling and actual case studies are positive and beneficial. 3. Teachers: Personality traits of teachers are important. They need to have positive thoughts and attitudes. Mutual respect between teachers and students is also necessary. 4. Department Affairs: It is necessary to have classes from the industry's actual practitioners. In addition, students dislike attending unnecessary classes. Therefore when opening a class, a rigorous course structure is required. Teachers should consider themselves as the role model of students.
