  • 期刊





壺鈴訓練 下肢肌力 爆發力


The word "Kettlebell" was first found Russian dictionary back in 1704 and was used as a weighting tool. During festivals, farmer would do the kettlebell swing as a way to show off their strength. Russian had found out that kettlebell exercising has positive effect in health and helps work more efficiently. The convenience of our modern lifestyle can be seen as the cause of obesity, a decline of overall muscle strength, as well as shoulder and lower back pain in many adults. This not only affects our daily life, but can also lead to more serious health problems, thus kettlebell once again has been strongly recommitted in fitness industry recently. Studies have shown that kettlebell training has similar effects to traditional Olympic Weightlifting can increase in lower limb strength and power, it can also improve cardiovascular fitness as well. Further more, Kettleball training also can increase in core muscle and helps relieve shoulder and lower back pain. Therefore, picking the appropriate weight, with the correct instruction and stay under the safety regulation, kettlebell training would be a time saving solution for modern adults who wish to shed weight, improve muscle tone, and achieve relief from shoulder and lower back pain.
