



Many athletes reduce energy availability intentionally to optimize body size and weight for competition success. The female athletes triad refers to the relationship among energy availability, menstrual functional, and bone mineral density, which may lead to eating disorders, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis. Low energy availability appears to be the primary factor that impairs reproductive and skeletal health, thus, restrictive eating behaviors practiced by girls and women in sports or physical activities that emphasize leanness are of special concern. This article discuss Triad background, prevalence, mechanism, prevention and treatment. Female athlete triad may have irreversible health consequences if not treated. Education of athletes, parents, coaches, trainers and administrators about triad is very important. Athletes should be assessed for the Triad at preparticipation and/or annual health screening exam. Prevention and treatment of the Triad should employ a team approach include a physician, a registered dietitian, a mental health practitioner, and for athletes with disordered eating. The primary goal of treatment for any Triad component is to increase energy availability by increasing energy intake and/or reducing exercise energy expenditure.

