  • 期刊


Effects of Bovine Colostrums Supplementation on Oxidative Stress Induced by High Intensity Interval Training During a 4-Week Canoe/Kayak Training Period


本研究的目的旨在探討高強度間歇訓練與訓練期間增補牛初乳是否對輕艇選手的氧化壓力指標有所影響。本研究以22名男性輕艇選手為研究對象(年齡15.9 ± 2.3歲;身高172.2 ± 5.5公分;體重63.3 ± 6.9公斤;體脂肪百分比13.7 ± 3.7%)。實驗參與者以平衡次序法分配至牛初乳增補組(BC)及安慰劑組(PL),連續增補28天。並於增補前(Pre-S)、後之運動前(Pre-T)、運動後(Post-T)及運動後三小時(Post-3h)採集血液樣本。以重複量數單因子變異數分析考驗運動後輕艇選手之血液氧化壓力之生物參數變化;混合設計二因子變異數分析考驗增補牛初乳前後之血液樣本生物參數,顯著水準訂為為α = .05。結果發現在高強度間歇運動過後,輕艇選手血漿中超氧岐化酶之濃度於運動後三小時顯著高於運動前,以及運動後立即的時間點(p < .05)。過氧化氫酶的濃度在運動後立即(p < .05)有顯著的增加,硫代巴比妥酸反應物質則是於運動後顯著高於運動前(p < .05),但於三小時後回到基準值。增補牛初乳後,兩組於血漿中之超氧岐化酶、過氧化氫酶及硫代巴比妥反應物質於兩組之間均未有顯著差異。本研究探討各篇研究結果不一致的原因可能是由於運動的類型、受試者健康水平或血液樣本的採集時間點不同,未來的研究或許可以針對增補的劑量,或是再拉長增補的時間等方法再做進一步的探討,或許會得到不同的結果。


This study aimed to examine the effects of bovine colostrums (BC) supplementation during a 4-week canoe/kayak training program on oxidative stress. Twenty-two well-trained male kayak athletes (age 15.9 ± 2.3 years, height 172.2 ± 5.5 cm, body mass 63.3 ± 6.9 kg, body fat 13.7 ± 3.7%) were voluntarily participated in this study. Participants were paired by performance then assigned into BC supplementation group or placebo group. Before and after supplement, participants were asked to perform a high intensity interval training on kayak ergometry. Blood samples were collected at pre supplementation (Pre-S), pre-test (Pre-T), post-test (Post-T), and 3 hours post-test (Post-3h). To analysis effect of an acutely spring interval training on superoxide dismutase, catalase, and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), a repeated measure one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used. To examine the effect of bovine colostrums supplementation on biomarkers in blood, a mixed-design two-way (groups × time points) ANOVA was adopted. Statistical significance was set at α = .05. There was a significant increase in superoxide dismutase at Post-3h (p < .05). Catalase level was significantly elevated at Post-T and then dropped under baseline (p < .05). There was a significant increase in TBARS at Post-T (p < .05). There was no significant interaction of time and group and main effects of time and group for the superoxide dismutase, catalase, and TBARS concentration. The inconsistencies was found in the results of previous studies may be due to the type of exercise, the health of the subjects, or the time of collection of the blood sample. Future research may be can adjust the doses or for extent the duration of supplementation which might lead to different results.


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