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Shuttle between Masculinity and Femininity: Interaction Types between Non-cisgender LGBT Soldiers and the Military Gender Boundary




The military is a typical hegemonic masculine organization. The gender identity of all military members is closely monitored by the gender boundary of "masculine male and feminine female." However, with the development of democratic politics, queer soldiers are gradually showing up. To explore the subjectivity and diversity of gay soldiers under the military gender norm, this study adopts the narrative method, purposive samples of eight queer soldiers, combined with queer perspective and dramaturgical model for analysis. The study found that under the voice of multi-gender equality, the gender boundary still generally exists in the military. Although individuals are not completely oppressed, the interaction between queer subjects and the gender boundary can be divided into three types: maintenance, blurring, and subversion, depending on the situation and their resources. These three can not only be switched freely but also have different strategies for gender performativity. This shows the initiative and potential of queer subjects in constructing and changing the gender culture of the military. The study recommends that the military implement gender-diverse education and adopt the principle of employing people based on their abilities, thus opening up opportunities to transcend gender binary norms.


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