  • 期刊


Choice of life: On the personal will of "Nie Yin-Niang" and "The Assassin"




唐傳奇 聶隱娘 刺客 意志 電影


In 2015, Hou Hsiao-Hsien was re-edited from the film "The Assassin", the famous "Nie Yin-Niang" in the "Legend" wrote by Pei-Xing in the Tang Dynasty. This martial artist's only "Ten Years of Grinding a Sword" martial arts works in the film and cultural circles. All of them caused a great uproar. Not only many media rush to report, film critics competed for comment, and netizens enthusiastically talked about it. Taiwan even held a "legendary Nie Yin-Niang Academic Seminar" to conduct cross-disciplinary exchanges through the exchange of symposiums and academic chapters. Brilliant dialogue, in which the comparison of text and image is often one of the scholars' concerns. Because there is a huge disagreement between the film and the thesis, the film borrows a few words of dialogue and character elements in the film, so the scholars can talk about the difference between the two, but I believes that even if the content arrangement, role setting is different from the theme, but it can penetrate the core elements of the two, that is the personal will of Nie Yin-Niang. When the scholar Yue Heng-Jun explored the propositions of the legendary "will" and "destiny" of Tang Dynasty, he once said: "Read the legends of the Tang Dynasty. In those stories, the characters are sharp and eloquent, and they feel that they are unassuming in their lives. The thirst of freedom of will." This can be regarded as the annotation of Nie Yin-Niang; while Nie Yin-Niang, who is under the command of Hou Hsiao-Hsien, even showed her inner feelings in many acts, but she still chose to follow her own will.She able to show such a resolute personal will, this is not easy for women in the Tang Dynasty, in addition to its "Assassin" identity, Nie Yin-niang's own strong inner and personality traits are the main key. Therefore, this thesis attempts to analyze the Nie Yin-Niang in the thesis and the film, and how to present its distinctive and special personal will between the relationship of family, the change of the loyalty person and the choice of life.


legend in the Tang Dynasty Nie Yin-Niang assassin will film


卞孝萱:《唐傳奇新探》,南京:江蘇教育出版社,2001 年。
王夢鷗:《唐人小說校釋》,臺北:正中書局,2002 年。
岑靜雯:《唐代宦門婦女研究》,臺北:文津出版社,2005 年。
汪辟疆編:《唐人傳奇小說》,臺北:文史哲出版社,1993 年。
段塔麗:《唐代婦女地位研究》,北京:人民出版社,2001 年。
