  • 期刊


The Influence of Performance Management System on Job Engagement of Teachers in Private Universities




期望理論 工作價值 認同感


Performance management system is a kind of rules and regulations established to achieve scientific, fair and realistic, which can effectively improve the working enthusiasm of employees and produce benefits for the company. The employee's job involvement refers to the sense of identity generated in the process of work, which will be reflected in the values of the employee. In this study, the private college teachers facing the problem of fewer children in Taiwan are taken as the research object to explore how private college teachers face the pressure of enrollment, how to conduct a specific analysis of the school's enrollment performance model and teachers' behavior response. On the one hand, it analyzes the admission performance management system of private colleges and universities to know whether it is scientific and effective. On the other hand, through this way, we can know what kind of behavior private higher education teachers will take when facing the performance management system, and what kind of influence the performance management system will have on teachers' job investment.


Expectation theory Work value Identity
