  • 會議論文


Football Intervention for Children Affected by Physical Fitness-Kaohsiung City Thunderbird Children's Football Camp as an Example


本研究目的主要在探討兒童足球推廣成效及體適能分析,其主要目的有二:一、瞭解參加此足球營之兒童其身體質量組成(Body Mass Index, BMI)、立定跳遠、一分鐘仰臥起坐等體適能項目成績和同年齡兒童體適能常模有何差異。二瞭解家長讓兒童參與足球營後的整體滿意程度是否滿意。本研究以參與高雄市雷鳥兒童足球營的兒童和家長,共83位為研究對象,並以「高雄市雷鳥兒童足球營之滿意度調查表」為研究器材,進行滿意度調查。結果發現:一、在體適能方面身體質量組成(BMI)部分,男生兒童和女生兒童皆在正常範圍,沒有過重或過輕的現象;一分鐘仰臥起坐部分,男生以10歲及12歲兒童為最好、女生以7歲兒童為最好;立定跳遠部分,男生以8歲兒童為最好、女生以7歲兒童為最好;坐姿體前彎部分,男生以7歲和8歲及10歲和11歲為最好、女生以7歲為最好。二、整體而言家長對兒童之參加效益整體而言平均有達4.0以上,顯示此幼兒足球營在體能、心理、人際互動、自我成長等方面均受到家長的肯定。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness and children's soccer promotion of physical fitness, the main purpose is divided in two parts: first, understanding the children to participate Body Mass Index (BMI) in this football camp, included standing long jump, one minute sit-up and other fitness programs results that compared with the same ages of children fitness abilities differences. Second, understanding children's parents participated in the overall satisfaction level of satisfaction. In this study, 83 children involved in Kaohsiung City Thunderbirds Football Camp for children and parents and used ”soccer camp for children in Kaohsiung Thunderbird satisfaction survey” for as the research equipment, carry out satisfaction surveys. The results showed: first, the physical fitness aspects of the BMI part, male and female children were in the normal range, not too heavy or too lenient; In one minute sit-up part: the 10-year-old boys、12 years old children and 7 years old female children were performed as the best; In standing long jump part: 8-year-old male children and 7 years old female children were performed as the best; In sit and reach parts: the 7year old、8 years old 、10-year-old and 11 years old boys were performed as the best. In addition, 7 year old female children were performed as the best. Second, the parents of the children overall effectiveness of the whole to participate in an average of over 4.0, indicating the children football camp in the physical, psychological, social interaction, personal growth and so are subject to certain parents.


