  • 期刊


Physical Education Teacher Thought in PETE




Teacher thought is a research line in physical education teacher education (PETE). The purpose of this paper is to review the literatures related to teacher thought, namely planning, decision-making, and reflection from 1980 to 2001. The results are: (1) The participants: the model of thought and decision making, and belief of expert/novice teachers or preservice/inservice teachers are not the same, further investigation on the relationships between these differences and student performance are needed. (2) Research methods: Qualitative methods are mainly used, including interview, stimulated recall, think aloud, journal, observation field notes, and document analysis. (3) Future direction for research: recent research on teacher thought is more focused on teacher belief and reflection. Teachers' preconception and implicit theory are scarce and need to be explored. Three suggestions are as follows: (1) Research direction should enhance teaching and improve content of teacher education programs. (2) Related research topics should include: the practical thinking of physical education teachers and the effects on teaching behavior, student learning and achievement, and the difference of thought in teaching caused by gender difference. (3) To help student teachers develop better abilities in teacher thought through related research.


