  • 期刊


The Construction of Injured Judo Athletes Coping Behavoirs Inventory


本研究旨在探討大專學生在柔道受傷後的因應行為。研究者初步蒐集27題項,並以大專柔道乙組142位受傷選手為受試對象,進行本量表信度與效度之檢驗,同時以探索性因素分析,和內部一致性法,分別檢驗其建構效度與信度。結果發現,經預試後共有五個因素21題項;分別為:一、接納與成長,二、接受受傷事實,三、宣洩情緒,四、尋求支持,五、積極因應。本量表內部一致性介於.7531-.8529之間,整個量表Cronbach's α值為.8230。各因素解釋變異量分別為37.44%、10.73%、9.44%、7.16%、5.55%,可解釋總變異量為70.32%。顯示本「因應行為量表」具良好之信度與效度。本量表可適用於大專乙組柔道受傷選手之因應行為相關研究,期能更進一步探討受傷柔道選手,在受傷後的因應行為。裨助益與提供未來研究的參考、及有效協助柔道受傷選手,加速其身心復健等因應行為。


The purpose of the present study was to examine the coping behaviors of collegiate students after their injuries in judo. 27 items were collected at the first stage. One handred collegiate judo injured athletes were recruited as subjects. Reliability and validity of the instrument used in the present study were examined through internal consistency and exploratory factor analysis. Pilot study had resulted in 21 items with five factors: 1) accept and grow; 2) accept the fact of injury; 3) release emotional responses; 4) seek for support; 5) cope actively. The internal consistency was .7531 to .8529, and the total was .8230. Explained variation were 37.44%, 10.73%, 9.44%, 7.16%, and 5.55% which made the total explained variation 70.32%. Thus, ”Coping Behaviors Inventory” was proved pretty well on validity and reliability. Therefore, it might meet the need of related studies on the coping behaviors of collegiate nonprofessional student athletes after injury. And further researches on the coping behaviors of injured judo athletes are expected to aid judo injured athletes in speeding their recovery from injury.
