  • 期刊


A Study on Sports Consciousness of College Student in Northern Taiwan


本研究之主要目的,在於針對臺灣北區16間大專院校學生進行運動意識之調查,主要內容包含受訪者對於運動的喜好、運動的習慣、運動的價值觀、與對運動的認知,並以研究者自編之「臺灣北區大專院校學生運動意識之調查問卷」為工具,進行資料之收集,共計4,278份有效問卷。資料處理工具為SPSS for Windows 8.0統計軟體,並以平均數、標準差、百分比、相對次數、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)等統計方法處理、分析,結果發現:一、過去三個月中有從事運動的臺灣北區大專院校學生佔96.31%,而沒有從事運動的臺灣北區大專院校學生佔3.69%。二、臺灣北區大專院校學生最常從事的六種運動種類依序為「籃球」、「散步」、「羽球」、「游泳」、「桌球」和「撞球」。三、臺灣北區大專院校學生從事運動的原因,前三項依序為「樂趣,轉換心情」、「為了創造健康、體力」和「作為與朋友、同伴間的交流」。四、臺灣北區大專院校學生沒有從事運動的原因,前三項依序為「因為不喜歡運動、體育」、「因為學校課務繁忙,所以沒有時間」和「沒有機會」。五、有77.47%的臺灣北區大專院校學生平常會觀賞運動比賽或活動。六、臺灣北區大專院校學生最常觀賞的運動比賽或活動,前六項依序為「籃球」、「棒球」、「撞球」、「足球」、「排球」和「網球」。七、臺灣北區大專院校學生最常利用「電視」來觀賞運動比賽或活動,相對次數為80.33。八、臺灣北區大專院校學生今後希望從事的運動,前六項依序為「籃球」、「游泳」、「羽球」、「撞球」、「保齡球」和「桌球」。九、規律參與運動的臺灣北區大專院校學生佔26.55%,偶而為之者佔73.45%。十、臺灣北區大專院校學生普遍以每週參與運動「2次」者最多,佔28.74%;參與次數為「3次」,佔28.54%。十一、臺灣北區大專院校學生每次從事運動以持續「1-2小時(含)」的比例最高,佔55.49%;「1小時(含)以下」的比例次之,佔21.82%。十二、臺灣北區大專院校學生從事運動的激烈程度以「中強度」為最多,佔28.76%;其次為「激烈運動」之強度,佔28.30%。十三、臺灣北區大專院校學生於「下午」從事運動的比例最高,佔57.89%;「夜間」時段次之,佔19.64%。十四、臺灣北區大專院校學生從事運動時,以「同學」為同伴者最多,佔43.08%;「朋友」次之,佔29.39%。十五、臺灣北區大專院校學生從事運動的地點以「學校運動場館」為最多,相對次數為71.36。十六、臺灣北區大專院校學生到達從事運動的地點,所需時間在「10分鐘(含)以下」者居多,佔48.93%;其次為「11-30分鐘」,佔36.50%。十七、臺灣北區大專院校學生從事運動必須繳交固定費用的人數比例佔15.05%;不須繳交固定費用的人數比例佔84.95%。十八、臺灣北區大專院校學生通常由「電視」獲得體育相關活動的訊息,佔57.79%;其次為「報章雜誌」,佔21.04%。十九、臺灣北區大專院校學生最希望獲得「國際賽事」,佔57.89%;其次為「運動指導」,佔34.32%。二十、臺灣北區大專院校學生對於運動的價值觀,前五名依序為「運動精神」、「公平」、「團隊凝聚力」、「享受」、和「群體成就」。二十一、臺灣北區大專院校學生對於運動可獲得的價值,前五名依序為「健康」、「休閒」、「友伴」、「愉悅」、和「人際關係」。二十二、臺灣北區大專院校學生在運動認知上以「生活適應」的得分為最高。二十三、不同性別之臺灣北區大專院校學生在運動認知上有顯著差異,且男性比女性的運動認知要高。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the sports consciousness of college students in 16 universities of Taiwan. A researcher-designed instrument, ”The Survey Questionnaire of the College Students' Sports Consciousness in Northern Taiwan”, was used in data collection. There were 6,400 questionnaires sent to college students in 16 universities, and there were 4,278 valid questionnaires as well as the successful ratio with 66.84%. The data process tool was SPSS for Windows 8.0, and the means values, standardized scores, percentage, relative frequency, t-test, and one-way ANOVA were used for data analysis. The results were followed:1.The college students who participated to sports in past three months were 96.31 %; otherwise, the college students who didn't participate to sports in past three months were 3.69%.2.The most six popular participated sports in order were basketball, strolling, badminton, swimming, table tennis, and billiard.3.The first three reasons of the college students who participated to sports were in order for fun and converting mind, for health and physical strength, and for communication with friends or partners.4.The first three reasons of the college students who didn't participate to sports were in order for disliking sports or physical education, for school studies, and for no chance.5.The college students who viewed sports in mean time were 77.47%.6.The most six popular spectacular sports in order were basketball, baseball, billiard, soccer, volleyball, and tennis.7.The college students viewed sports through television frequently with the relatively frequency of 80.33.8.The most six popular sports that college students will want to participate in future were basketball, swimming, badminton, billiard, bowling, and table tennis in sequence.9.The college students who participated to sports regularly were 26.55%.10.The college students who generally participated to sport two times per week were 28.74%; the college students who generally participated to sport three times per week were 28.54%.11.The college students who participated to sports for one hour to two hours each time took highest percentage of 55.49%; the college students who participated to sports for one hour below each time took second place of 21.82%.12.The college students who participated to sports with middle intensity grade took highest percentage of 28.76%; the heavy intensity grade took second percentage of 28.30%.13.The college students who participated to sports in the afternoon took highest percentage of 57.89%; in the night took second percentage of 19.64%.14.The college students who participated to sports with classmate were the highest percentage of 43.08%; with friend were the second percentage of 29.39%.15.The college students participated to sports in school stadium with highest relative frequency 71.36.16.The college students reach the sporting spot to participate sports with the time-consuming of 10 minutes below, which took the highest percentage of 48.93%; the second percentage of 36.50% was 11 to 30 minutes.17.The college students who participated to sports had to pay fees with the percentage of 15.05; otherwise, they hadn't to pay any fee with the percentage of 84.95%.18.The college students usually got the information regarding sports activities through television with the percentage of 57.79%; the percentage of 21.04% was through newspaper and magazines.19.The college students wanted to get the overseas competition news the most with the percentage of 57.89%; the second was the sports guidance with the percentage of 34.32%. 20.In the top five sports values in college students were in order of sportsmanship, fair, cohesion, enjoyment, and collectivism.21.In the top five values from sports in college students were in order of health, leisure, partner, pleasure, and personal relationship.22.In the sports cognition, the college students considered that the life fitness were the most cognition of sports.23.There were significant difference in sports cognition in different gender, and the male had the higher satisfaction with significant than female.
