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The Content Analysis of the TV Commercials in Taiwan: Taking 2002 Korea/Japan FIFA World Cup For Example


2002韓日世足賽首次在亞洲地區舉辦,拜鄰近主辦國家,轉播無時差之賜,加上,國內有線電視業者年代電視公司取得轉播權,旗下三個頻道,共同進行賽事的轉播工作。結果所致,使得國內收視世足賽的觀眾增多,電視轉播收視率大增,為台灣帶來一股足球熱潮。在高收視率影響下,電視轉播賽事的廣告時段,成為廠商進行商品推銷的良好時機。為了探究國內電視轉播2002韓日世足賽時的廣告內容,本研究應用內容分析法,以國內年代集團所轉播共64場賽事中所呈現的廣告內容為研究對象,探討「廣告商品與廠商排序」與「廣告廠商業別」兩部分的情況,並與中華電視公司轉播1998法國世足賽時所呈現的情形,做分析比較。結果發現如下:一、在本屆世足賽中,有關廣告商品排序方面,以五洲製藥的「斯斯保肝膠囊」 (共計3,528秒)名列第一;而在廠商名稱方面,則以「五洲製藥」廣告量最多(共計10,828秒)。二、在本屆世足賽中,有關廣告廠商(機構)業別的廣告量中,以「醫藥用品類」(包括:醫療保健器材與各式藥品)最多,廣告總秒數達到14,905秒。三、比較近兩屆(1998、2002)世足賽的廣告情形,則發現無論在「廣告商品與廠商排序」或是「廣告廠商業別」方面,皆呈現相當一致的結果。


The 2002 Korea/Japan FIFA World Cup was firstly held in Asian countries near Taiwan and the ERA TV Company broadcasted all the 64 soccer games with three TV channels live shows, as a result, more TV audiences in Taiwan watched the FIFA World Cup games. With the high rates of TV viewing, 2002 FIFA World Cup brought the hot issues of soccer games to Taiwan. During the period of FIFA World Cup games, the TV commercials under the influence of high TV viewing rates provided excellent chances for the companies to promote their products.In order to realize the situation of local TV commercials during the 2002 Korea/Japan FIFA World Cup, this research took the content analysis approach to analyze total 4195 TV commercials broadcasted by the Era TV Companies in Taiwan, naming the order of products and companies according to total seconds of commercials, discussing the industry-category of these companies, and comparing the 1998 and 2002 FIFA World Cup TV commercial results.There were three results in this research:1. During the 2002 Korea/Japan FIFA World Cup period, ”Suzumarin Capsules” (with total 3,528 seconds) named NO.1 among all the commercial products while the ”U-chu pharmaceutical company” (with total 10,828 seconds) was No. 1 among all the companies.2. During the 2002 Korea/Japan FIFA World Cup period, ”medical and pharmaceutical products” (with total 14,905 seconds) played the most parts among all the industry-categories.3. After comparing the 1998 and 2002 FIFA World Cup TV commercials, results found were much the same.
