  • 期刊


Obtaining Orthometric Heights by Using a Gravimetric Geoid Model and e-GPS Observations: Methods and Accuracy Analysis




Orthometric heights are traditionally obtained from spirit leveling. Along with the growing development of Global Positioning System (GPS), one can obtain orthometric heights from GPS measurement with a local geoidal model, and this procedure is called GPS leveling. In recent years, Network-based RTK GPS has become an efficient way of obtaining locational information. National Land Surveying and Mapping Center (NLSC) of Taiwan has successfully built up a Network-based RTK system called the e-GPS(or e-GNSS) system. Orthometric heights derived from e-GPS measurements can be used to further improve the efficiency of GPS leveling. Therefore, this paper aims at analyzing applicable methods and associated accuracies of orthometric heights derived from e-GPS measurements. Two methods, the differential method and the correction surface method, are adopted in the study. The test area is located in the Hengchun Peninsula. Experimental results show that the correction surface method is better than the differential method in terms of achievable accuracy, and the achieved accuracy is sufficient for various mapping requirements.


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