  • 期刊


Establishment of vertical datum transformation model for Taiwan


我國迄今尚未訂定統一之深度基準,導致在銜接各機關不同海域或陸海交界處水深資料時容易產生不連續問題。近年來隨著海岸管理、海域規劃與海洋劃界等各項議題的發展,以及內政部電子航行圖測製與發行之工作需要,內政部已完成垂直基準轉換模式建置,轉換模式包含內政部108年潮位模式(MOI.18v1)計算之臺灣海域無縫各潮位面(最低天文潮位面(Lowest Astronomical Tide, LAT))、最高天文潮位面(Highest Astronomical Tide, HAT)、平均高潮位面(Mean High Water, MHW)、平均低潮位面(Mean Low Water, MLW)及約最低低潮位面(Indian Spring Low Water, ISLW)、新版大地起伏模型(Geoid)以及平均海水面(Mean Sea Surface, MSS)網格模型,提供使用者進行不同垂直基準面間之轉換。此外,本研究亦產出多項附加產品,包含33個潮位站之各基準面關係、潮位模式加值應用工具(可輸出相對於Geoid、ISLW、LAT及WGS84橢球等基準之潮位資料)和潮位分區圖,可用於傳統水深測量之潮汐修正,提高傳統水深測量之效率及資料一致性。隨測繪科技進步,多元化技術可觀測得不同基準之海域測繪資料,故此轉換模式可協助各部會及學術機構整合各項既有之海洋資料。


Taiwan has not yet established a unified depth datum, resulting in discontinuity on data in land-ocean or frame boundaries. In recent years, in order to fulfil the requirement of the development of coastal management, marine spatial planning and boundary delimitation, and the demand of the Ministry of Interior (MOI) for the survey and publication of electronic navigational charts, MOI has established a vertical datum transformation model, including five gridded tidal surfaces derived from MOI.18v1 ocean tide model (Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT), Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT), Mean High Water (MHW), Mean Low Water, (MLW) and Indian Spring Low Water (ISLW)), an updated geoid undulation model of Taiwan and a gridded mean sea surface (MSS) model, enabling users to convert their data from different vertical references into a common system. Furthermore, several products are also produced, including the relationships between the depth datum and other vertical reference surfaces at 33 tide gauge stations, a value-added ocean tide model, producing ocean tide data relative to Geoid, ISLW, LAT and WGS84 ellipsoid, and tidal zones around Taiwan, which can be used for tidal correction in traditional hydrographic survey to improve efficiency and dara consistency. With the advancement of surveying and mapping technology, diversified technologies can be applied to measure marine data in different datums. Therefore, this transformation model could assist various ministries and academic institutions in integrating various existing marine data.


Geoid ISLW LAT MSS Ocean tide model Vertical datum


Lan, W.H., C.Y. Kuo, H.C. Kao, L.C. Lin, C.K. Shum, K.H. Tseng, and J.C. Chang, 2017, Impact of Geophysical and Datum Corrections on Absolute Sea-Level Trends from Tide Gauges around Taiwan, 1993–2015, Water, 9, doi:10.3390/w9070480.
