  • 期刊


Evaluation of the accuracy of drawing 1/1,000 topographic map using a three-dimensional mesh model




The purpose of this project is to verify whether the method of drawing map using a three-dimensional mesh model satisfies the accuracy of 1/1,000 topographic map. This study summarized the influencing factors based on the content of the analysis reference documents, such as: camera type (large, medium, and small frame camera that stability are different), ground sample distance (GSD) of aerial photography, fly-planning (such like oblique photogrammetry, image overlap rate), etc. According to the most likely to cause impact, coordinate the data providers that may be processed or obtained, and draw up the final feasible experimental design plan. Using traditional photogrammetry results as a control group, the accuracy of the mapping results of the true-ortho images and mesh model was compared to verify whether it meets the requirements of 1/1,000 topographic mapping accuracy. In conclusion, the method of drawing map using a three-dimensional mesh model cannot meet the accuracy requirements of 1/1,000 topographic maps. Although the digital mapping method of true-ortho images meets the accuracy requirements of 1/1,000 topographic mapping, its reliability is low, and it needs to be used with professional experience to judge and select the applicable area.


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