  • 期刊


Vegetation Analysis of the Broad-leaved Forest of Mt. Wulai, Northern Taiwan


本研究以中心點四分角法,調查烏來山之天然闊葉林群落組成。調查結果計得喬木層植物種類58種,優勢植物為紅楠、大明橘、鵝掌柴、烏來柯、綠樟、薯豆、青剛櫟、樹杞、黃杞、小葉赤楠、山紅柿等,並無絕對優勢之樹種。 利用種間相關將植物群落分類,可明顯區分為兩種類型,其一為以大明橘、青剛櫟、小葉赤楠為主要優勢樹種,另一為以鵝掌柴、紅楠、樹杞為主。前一類型分佈在稜線區域,而後一類型則分佈在稜線以外之山坡地,顯示影響此兩種植物群落分布之主要因素為地形,以DCA進行間接梯度分析亦得到相似之結果。 根據主要組成樹種之直徑分析族群年齡結構,以評估此植物群落之演替情形,發現主要優勢樹種之直徑級一數量分布多呈反J形,顯示目前的植群組成相當穩定。


The vegetation analysis of natural broad-leaved forest of Mt. Wulai, northern Taiwan, was carried out using the point-centered quater method. A total of 58 tree species were encountered. The dominant species were Persea thunbergii, Myrsine sequinii, Sehefflera octophylla, Lirnlia uraiana, Meliosrna squarnulata, Elaeocarpus japonicus, Cyclobalanopsis glauca, Ardisia sieboldii; Engelhardtia roxburghiana, Syzygiurn buxifoliurn, Diospyros morrisiana. None of them was overwhelmingly dominant. Two vegetation types were recognized according to the dominance types. The first one was Myrsine sequinii-Cyclobalanopsis glauca type appearing on the mountain top and ridges; the second one was Schefflera octophylla-Persea thunbergii-Ardisia sieboldii type appearing on the slope below the mountain ridge. The results obtained from gradient analysis suggested that topograph was the most important environmental factor. The population structure of eight major component species was analyzed based on the size-classes distribution to evaluate the successional status. Most dominant species presented the negative exponential or power function distribution with the highest frequency value occurred in the first size-class. Schefflera octophylla, Limlia uraiana and Cyclobalanopsis glauca exhibited another pattern with the second size-class attaining the highest value.


