  • 期刊


A preliminary study on collective psychology resilience , group dynamics and disaster prevention and preparation


實際面對災害,才會知道個人或組織是否具有應變能力,是否具備韌性。然而,應變能力和韌性建構都必須出於自主意願,並反映在平時的整備是否務實、充足、有效。災害心理(Disaster psychology)與行為不斷互動,判斷與行動進而再形塑每一個新的狀態。災害心理隱喻「災害威脅之心理準備」(Psychological Preparedness for Disaster Threat),是集體心理韌性的根基。災害威脅之心理準備側重兩個面向,一個是對威脅環境與應變適應的正確認識程度,二是自我覺察與情緒控制程度。關注的是「災害心理」是否帶動我們進行「料想中的整備」,才足以應變。本文聚焦在檢閱災害心理的理論內涵,並輔以「知、情、意、行」的團體動力歷程,探討如何孕育「料想中管理」的想法、經驗、面對勇氣及意志、行動的韌性,是否及如何影響災防整備之態樣。


Face the disaster will know if an individual or organization have ability to adapt, is it resilient? However both emergency capability and resilience must be built out of voluntary will, and reflect whether the usual maintenance is pragmatic, sufficient and effective. Disaster psychology and behavior constantly interact, and then judgment and action to reshape each new state. Disaster psychology metaphor "Psychology Preparedness for Disaster Threat", Disaster psychology is the basic of collective psychology resilience. Pychology preparation for disaster threat focuses on two aspects, one is the correct understanding of the threat environment and adaptation, and second is the degree of self-awareness and emotional control. The concern is whether the "disaster psychology" drives us to carry out "manage as expected" to sufficiently adapt. This paper focuses on reviewing the theoretical connotation of disaster psychology, and supplemented by the group dynamic process of "knowing, emotion, intention and action", discuss how to nurture "manage as expected" ideas, experiences, courage and will to face, and resilience in action, and discussion on whether and how it affects disaster preparedness.
