  • 期刊


The Carriers of Creativity: From "Creative Expression" to Investigate How Images Types, Expressive Strategies and Meanings Objectify Creativities




This study aims to clarified how students use visual images to objectify their creativities. A total of 470 drawings were under investigated. Students had 100 minutes to draw a picture on a 26.5 x 38.8 cm piece of paper with black and colored pencils, expressing their concept of ”freedom.” They were allowed to use any kinds of images and up to ten words. We found students used six types of images as signifiers to interpret ”freedom”: ”human and/or life scenario,” ”birds,” ”animals,” ”nature,” ”God and/or angels,” and ”others.” The ”human and/or life scenario” images were predominant; ”bird” images were the second choice. Both descriptive (63.6%) and comparative (36.4%) drawing strategies were used, with a significant correlation between choice of image and choice of strategy. There was no gender difference with regard to image and strategy choice. When comparative strategy being used, most of the time, either the drawings contain both of the forces of freedom and threat, or the senior of suppress. Freedom is as naturally existence, or as an interaction of power, as social rules, or as individuals' desires. Freedom has positive and negative meanings. The finding indicates creativity is situated. It is the root that enables artworks to be alive.


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