  • 期刊


The Comparison of Views Between On-site Model And Centralized Dispatch Model for the Hospital Porters by Ward Nurses




Background and Purpose: Porters have been the important human resource of medical organization. Porters can not only reduce the workload of medical or nursing staff, but also fulfill the same amount of tasks at a lower cost. Management of porters includes on-site model and centralized dispatch model. We could not find any research about the comparison between the two models. Because the ward is the unit having the most porters, the purpose of this study is to explore the degree of satisfaction with the two management models by ward nurses. Methods: We used questionnaires issued to ward nurses of the hospital. A total of 331 valid questionnaires were collected. The statistical methods we used included frequency distribution, descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, ANOVA and chi-square analysis. Results: Most respondents thought that on-site model is better than centralized dispatch model. Further analysis showed that respondents with seniority less than one year had a more positive view of porters of centralized dispatch model than those seniors. Although most respondents thought that the operation of the message call system is more convenient than information call system, we could find that respondents with seniority less than one year are more likely to agree on the operational convenience of the information call system than other seniors. Conclusion and Suggestions: Above results may be due to the fact that most respondents are senior, so that they were used to the message call system and on-site model that had been performed, and not yet become accustomed to information call system and centralized dispatch model implemented in August 2017. We suggest that case hospital should find out any inconvenience or shortcomings of information call system and centralized dispatch model and improve them to make users like to use them.
