  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of Implementing Barcode Medication Administration System in a Local Hospital




Since 1970, medical institutions began to try barcode technology. Barcode technology is currently used in patient identification, laboratory specimen identification, blood transfusion and medication administration verification applications. Barcoding has also been employed to provide critical double checks for patient safety. Therefore we proposed a barcode medication administration system, to increase accuracy of pharmacy medicine dispensing. When the patient receives the drug, the pharmacist will swipe the barcode to open the multifunctional information. The basic functions: record the name of the dispensing pharmacist, record the time of the drug was given, whether the patient will take drugs repeatedly, show the diagnosis and reasons for using the drug, and the allergy record. Further functions: unpaid reminders, records of drug consultations, records of problem prescriptions, queries for drug interactions, tips for individual patients, tips for special drugs, lists of controlled drugs, and influenza vaccine records. Prescriptions for outpatients and emergency patients, message assist pharmacists to examine the full range of medicines and message reminders. And a number of functions for statistics. Hopes to enhance the quality of pharmaceutical services.
