  • 期刊


The Effects of Perceived System Service Quality, Service Value and Subjective Norm on Continuance Intention of Usage in Medical Association Websites




Purpose: Although previous studies have explored the relationship between system service quality and continuous intention of the website's users, a linking mechanism that explains how system service quality impacts the continuous intention to use the websites is still unknown. The purpose of this study is to explore how perceived service value and user satisfaction link the relationship between system service quality and the continuous intention to use the website's services. Methods: This study conducted a survey to collect data from members of the Medical Association. The collected data were analyzed by applying Partial Least Square (PLS) to test the validity of the scales and the proposed hypotheses. Results: The results revealed that the effect of system service quality on the continuous intention to use the website is determined by perceived service value - the linking mechanism. However, indirect effects of system service quality on the continuous intention to use the website related to user satisfaction is not significant when controlling for the effect of subjective norms. Conclusions: A user's perceived service value plays an important role to connect the relationship between the perceived quality of the information system and the continuous intention to use the website's services. To maintain the long-term operations of a website, the website's administrator needs to improve the service quality of the system to enhance the users' perceived service value.


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