  • 期刊


Discussion on the Development Process and Acceptance of Information-based Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Case Management Model for Schools




Objective: 1. Development and testing of an information-based acute lymphoblastic leukemia case management model for schools 2. The Davis (1989) technology acceptance model was used to investigate school nurses' acceptance of this information-based case management model, including perceived usefulness, perceived usability, user attitude and intention of use, and further study the correlation between these four variables. Method: The long-distance learning development steps proposed by Soon et al. (2000) was referred in the development process of this case management model. This information-based acute lymphocytic leukemia case management learning website was established after discussion, cooperation and revision with six experts from relevant fields. In terms of investigation on user acceptance, self-developed questionnaires were distributed to 56 elementary school nurses to collect information. Results: The information-based case management model developed by this study included five modules: "understanding leukemia," "leukemia fighters," "guidelines for taking care of leukemia children," "blueprint for case management" and "resource linkage". The school nurses highly accepted this information-based case management mode. Cognitive usefulness got 0.95 points (SD=0.21; total score: 0-1); cognitive usability got 0.99 points (SD=0.09; total score: 0-1); user attitude got 0.89 points (SD=0.30; total score: 0-1) and intention of use got 0.94 points (SD=0.24; total score: 0-1) In addition, the relationship between these four variables showed a significant positive correlation (p < 0.05). Conclusions: This information-based case management model was developed and constructed through literature review, interview and cooperation with multidisciplinary experts. The school nurses believed that this model is highly useful and easy to use. They had a fairly positive attitude towards the model and were very willing to use it. Therefore, this model can be used as a good reference for school nurses to take care of leukemia children in schools. In addition, we suggest further research on the actual use of this information-based case management model in the future.


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