  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study on Self-care Behaviors of Cancer Patients: Comparison of Mobile Devices and Traditional Health Education Leaflets


目的:使用行動裝置與傳統衛教方式實施衛教,對於癌症病人自我照顧行為有何影響值得探討。本研究目的在於比較使用行動裝置與傳統衛教方式,對於癌症病人自我照顧行為有何差異。方法:本研究採類實驗設計,收案對象為確定診斷之癌症病人60位,包括使用傳統衛教進行衛教的對照組30位病人,以及使用行動裝置進行衛教的實驗組30位病人。每一位病人皆有認知層面與行為層面的衡量,在前一次衛教內容教學後,腫瘤個管師持續進行衛教直到病人能正確表達該衛教內容為止。等到下一次病人回診或追蹤治療時,再衡量該衛教內容自我照顧行為執行程度。結果:研究結果顯示,衛教實施後自我照顧行為遵從百分率,在飲食、營養品、手術傷口照護方面,對照組與實驗組分別為86%與85%;在化學藥物治療及標靶藥物治療方面, 對照組與實驗組皆為95%。結論:進行癌症病人自我照顧之衛教,行動裝置衛教方式與傳統衛教方式執行結果無差異。除此之外,行動裝置衛教可簡化腫瘤個管師準備與執行衛教的程序且有助於衛教內容說明。


Purpose: It is worth to discuss the differences in cancer patients' self-care behaviors brought about by using mobile devices and traditional leaflets, respectively, for health education. The purpose of this study is to compare the use of mobile devices and traditional leaflets for health education, and their different influence on the self-care behaviors by cancer patients. Method: This study adopted a quasi-experimental design. A total of 60 patients diagnosed with cancer were enrolled, namely, 30 patients in the control group using traditional leaflets and 30 patients in the experimental group using mobile devices. Measurements were taken for both cognition and behavior of patients. After health knowledge was imparted on the previous occasion, the oncology case manager continued to teach patients about health until they could correctly express the relevant health concepts, and the degree to which each patient applied these concepts to self-care behavior was measured on the subsequent return or follow-up visit. Results: According to study results, the compliance rates of the control group and experimental group were 86% and 85%, respectively, in terms of diet, nutrition, and surgical wound care. The compliance rates of the control group and experimental group were both 95% for chemotherapy and target therapy. Discussion: Mobile devices and traditional leaflets have the same effect with regard to health education for self-care by cancer patients. In addition, mobile devices could simplify the preparation and execution of health education by the oncology case manager, and helped to better explain relevant content.


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