  • 期刊


Not Scared of Factional Strife: Yuanyou's Consciousness in Chao Yue-Zhi's Epitaphs




晁說之 墓誌碑銘 黨爭 元祐意識 北宋


Research has tended to think that the "Yuanyou factional disaster" in the late Northern Song Dynasty was fierce, and therefore people avoided talking about "Yuanyou" because they were afraid of getting into trouble. However, Chao Yue-Zhi joined the Yuanyou political faction in the first year of reign of Chongning (1102) and expressed vivid consciousness of Yuanyou, as if he wasn't scared of factional strife. First, Chao Yue-Zhi used his words to express his emotions and connected with the Yuanyou scholar's social network. Second, he used implicit writing to allude to Wang's new policies and indirectly express Yuanyou's consciousness. Third, he used historical writing to comment on Yuanyou scholars and discussed their life. In the past, historians have mostly discussed the "imperial court ecology" during the late Northern Song Dynasty, and literary researchers have discussed the two major issues of "flattering" and "introspection" in literature. However, Chao Yue-Zhi's epitaphs have repeatedly expressed his intention to disagree with the government. Chao Yue-Zhi's epitaphs can provide another research perspective, for example, in the dark political situation of the late Northern Song Dynasty, a few scholars still commented on politics in their unique ways, their attitudes and actions should be worth researching. Furthermore, researchers have used this to analyze how the factional strife affected the writing of Song Dynasty epitaphs, and have paid more attention to the "narrative" aspect. Especially, Chao Yue-Zhi's epitaphs not only narrate factional strife, but also cited history to discuss scholar's life. Therefore, it helps us develop a new research perspective.


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