  • 期刊


Rescuing Home from Red Peril: The Development of the Dongjiang River Soviet Zone and the Actions of Overseas Chinese in Nanyang




From the perspective of social history, because of long-term immigration, the largest number of overseas Chinese come from Guangdong. At the beginning of the 20^(th) century, Guangdong became the hub of cooperation between the Nationalist Party and the Communist Party. However, what was the relationship between Guangdong's overseas Chinese in local society and politics, the connection between this and communist revolutionary history has not yet been seen. This article first examines the economic pattern, social structure and rural issues in Guangdong from the 1920s to the 1930s and indicates the social background when the Communists launched their "revolution." Second, since the Communists were not a legitimate organizer, it had to rely more on local society networks when it came to mobilizing peasants and maintaining party affairs, which led to confrontations with local people. Finally, overseas Chinese in Nanyang in response to the Communists' destructive actions, overseas Chinese in Nanyang from Guangdong responding by raising money to fight against the communists.


《南洋商報》(新加坡)。檢索自 NewspaperSG 資料庫,https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/newspapers/。
《大公報》(天津)。中央檔案館、廣東省檔案館合編,《廣東革命歷史文件匯集 1927(中共廣東省委文件)》。廣州:廣東省檔案館,1982。
中央檔案館、廣東省檔案館合編,《廣東革命歷史文件匯集 1927-1934(中共東江特委文件)》。廣州:廣東省檔案館,1982。
中央檔案館、廣東省檔案館合編,《廣東革命歷史文件匯集 1927-1934(中共東江特委文件)》。廣州:廣東省檔案館,1983。
中央檔案館、廣東省檔案館合編,《廣東革命歷史文件匯集 1927-1935(中共瓊崖、南路特委文件)》。廣州:廣東省檔案館,1983。
