

AI(Artificial Intelligence, 人工智慧)的研究滲透到人類社會的每一個層面,引發了從改善人類生活的應用、倫理議題的挑戰以及高階關於人的自我認知,乃至於涉及更高層次的意識與人類本性的本體論(ontological)議題。而這第三個層面的問題即為本文關注之焦點。本文試圖以哈拉瑞(Yuval Noah Harari)提出的三個反思為起點,以意識之突現為主軸,反省意識之意義及與AI之關係。本文認為,人工智慧與人的意識之間有著根本的區別,而主張意識的突現本質與AI的演算不同;然而,值得注意的是,AI的進步亦代表人類理智的進步,是心智的創造與應用了人工智慧而非相反,因此人的心智亦能在AI的進展中,能透過其進展而更產生進一步的發展與開創。


AI 人文 意識 突現 層次


The investigation of Artificial Intelligence has permeated into different issues of human society, among the application of improving human life, and the challenge of ethics. Today, the ontological issues related to consciousness and human nature have been more concerning to academics. The third level of question is the primary concern of this paper. The author reflects on the questions proposed by Yuval Noah Harari to discuss the emergence of consciousness, the meaning of introspective consciousness, and its relationship with AI. The author argues that there is a fundamental difference between artificial intelligence and human consciousness. Because they are derived from different mechanisms, the former is from the emergence of the human mind and the latter is from the algorithm of AI. Moreover, the progress of AI originated from human creativity, therefore, it might be expected that the human intellect will keep developing through the development of Artificial Intelligence.


AI Humanity Consciousness Emergence Lever


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