  • 期刊


A Global Challenge: Training and Cultivating Radiopharmaceutical Scientists for Increasing Need in the New Era of Nuclear Medicine


全球各國放射藥物研究人才短缺的問題,已經逐漸演變成核醫藥物界的一個嚴重的問題,並開始衝擊相關領域的發展,包括核醫治療或核醫診療。近來,放射藥物化學學會(Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, SRS)集合全球來自25個單位機構的專家學者組成一跨國專案小組,且合力探討目前各國放射藥物研究人才的短缺情況與原因。目前,此專案小組的首要目標,即是彙整各國討論資料以撰文,並將公開發表文章、宣講與提出社論,以喚起大家對全球放射藥物研究人才培育的注意。同時,更針對此議題提供初步建言,謹期進一步收集各方資訊與建言,以期集眾人之力解決此共同難題。臺灣有幸成為此專案小組中少數被邀請的亞洲國家之一,不只有機會提出臺灣目前現況與相關建議,未來也可能與各國合作以解決放射製藥人才培育問題。為了使臺灣讀者更能瞭解全球現況,並思考臺灣目前可以努力之方向,筆者特別將此專案小組即將發表於國際期刊之文章作一介紹,並彙整臺灣人才問題之可能原因,以及針對臺灣自身條件一些可行的建議,以期能進一步開啟國內研究先進與同儕相互合作與交流的平台,且對臺灣放射藥物人才培育以及臺灣核醫發展有所幫助。


Global shortages in trained personnel across entire radiopharmaceutical discipline have been becoming a critical challenge and impacting the development of nuclear medicine-related fields including radiotherapeutics and radiotheranostics. Much recently, the Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences assisted in the creation of a transnational taskforce of experts who came from 25 affiliations represented by the radiopharmaceutical sciences community or international government agencies in Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. The taskforce starts to review the shortage of trained/skilled workers across the field, as well as to make initial recommendations on how to address the issue strategically. In order to collaboratively conquer such critical challenges in the radiopharmaceutical field, the taskforce will publish an Awareness Paper to draw attention to the issue and provide initial recommendations, as well as the publication of a follow up Editorial in due course, for further collecting comments and expanding on the preliminary recommendations. Taiwan is, fortunately, to be invited and be included in this taskforce as one of few Asian member countries. Thus, we will be able to provide Taiwanese information and put forward our own opinions. Furthermore, it would be a great opportunity for possible global collaboration to solve such a trainee shortage problem. This article aims to summarize this upcoming Awareness Paper for more understanding of the global status and the reflection on Taiwan's perspectives. Moreover, the feasible proposal will be also addressed in this article in order to set up the platform in collaboration and communication being useful to the development of the nuclear medicine field in Taiwan.
