  • 期刊


Interprofessional Education: An Example of I-131 Therapy for Thyroid Cancer Case Discussion


為落實全人照護,近年來臺灣各大醫院莫不持續深化跨領域團隊合作教育(interprofessional education, IPE)。在臨床實務上,分化良好型甲狀腺癌(well-differentiated thyroid cancer, WDTC)的治療除手術切除外,口服碘-131(radioiodine-131)已被證實為有效的輔助治療,其中碘-131治療尤其需要跨領域團隊合作方能竟全功。本文透過一次碘-131治療WDTC個案討論的IPE教學活動,闡述核醫科如何以跨領域團隊合作的做法處理一個臨床常見的問題,並在IPE納入團隊資源管理(team resource management)的精神,營造師生共學的教學環境。同時,我們也分析學員對此教學活動的認知和評估學員的學習成果,作為教學醫院推動IPE教學活動的參考,期望能透過此做法,增進相關同仁對團隊合作的認識,進而提升未來對甲狀腺癌病人的照護品質。


Most of the major hospitals in Taiwan have continued to deepen interprofessional education (IPE) to implement holistic care in recent years. In clinical practice, the treatment of well-differentiated thyroid cancer (WDTC) includes not only surgical resection; oral radioiodine-131 (I-131) has been proven to be an effective adjuvant therapy. Moreover, I-131 ablation therapy requires cross-field team cooperation to achieve full results. This article described an IPE teaching activity in which participants discussed a WDTC patient who received treatment with I-131. We explained how a common clinical problem in the Nuclear Medicine Department could be addressed using an interprofessional approach and how team resource management could be incorporated into IPE to create shared learning between teachers and students. At the same time, we analyzed students' perception of this teaching activity and evaluated students' learning results, which can inform the faculty about how to promote IPE teaching activities in teaching hospitals. We hope that through this approach, we can enhance relevant colleagues' understanding of teamwork and improve the quality of care for patients with WDTC in the future.
