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Six-Week Suspension Exercise Training Improves Body Composition and Physical Performance in Taekwondo Athletes



Purpose: This study intended to determine how suspension exercise training (SET) improves physical performance in Taekwondo athletes. Methods: Research participants were 26 male Taekwondo athletes who competed in level A collegiate competitions. After one semester of baseline tests, all participants received similar tests before and after 6 weeks of TRX suspension training. During the SET period, in addition to 4 regular training sessions in Taekwondo, the participants also completed three SET sessions every week. There were 4 types of exercises (squat jump, oblique crunch, hamstring curl, and lunge) in the SET training. Each type of exercises was performed for 30 seconds with 30 seconds rest between different types of exercises. A total of 3 sets of exercises was performed in one session. A one-way ANOVA with repeated measures followed by a Fisher's least significant difference comparison was used to examine the differences of all variables among the three tests (baseline, pre-training, and post-training). The significance level was set at p<0.05. Results: Six weeks of SET significantly improved physical fitness in these participants by decreasing body fat (about 14%) and increasing standing long jump distance. Their physical performance in balance, sprint, vertical jump, agility, and peak anaerobic power were also improved. Conclusion: Taekwondo athletes would benefit from 6 weeks of SET for improving their physical fitness and physical performance.


目的:本研究主要探討懸吊式運動訓練是否能顯著提升跆拳道選手運動表現。方法:本研究以大專跆拳道甲組男子選手26位為主要研究對象,除了接受每周四次的常規式跆拳道專項訓練外,所有參與者均接受四式懸吊運動訓練,每式動作進行時間30秒,每式動作之間間隔休息30秒,共計實行三回合,每回合中間休息60秒,每週執行介入訓練三次,共訓練六週,測量包括體能評估(BMI、體脂、站立跳遠、三分鐘踏步測試和60秒仰臥起坐)以及平衡、衝刺、垂直跳躍、敏捷性和Wingate anaerobic無氧能力測試。通過比較基礎能力、訓練前和訓練後測試,進行了重複測量的分析,顯著性值設置為α=.05。並進行Bonferroni的多重比較測試,作為一個事後以評估6週SET對這些跆拳道運動員身體表現的影響。研究結果:6週懸吊式運動訓練介入後,顯著降低體脂率(約14%)、有效顯著提升立定跳遠、仰臥起坐、平衡能力、立定三次跳、T型折返跑、神經反應、動作反應、垂直跳高度、垂直爆發力、無氧爆發力等皆顯著提升(p<0.05)。結論與建議:跆拳道選手接受6週懸吊式運動訓練,有效降低體脂率和增加立定跳遠距離,顯著改善了這些參與者的身體健康,並且在他們的平衡能力、衝刺、垂直跳躍、敏捷性和峰值無氧能力方面的身體表現也得到了改善。建議長期有效率的進行懸吊式運動訓練,有助提高跆拳道選手運動表現,以上提供跆拳道教練、選手作為訓練之參考依據。


核心強化 平衡 無氧力量 敏捷性
