  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

A Change Detection Method of Multi-temporal SAR Images Based on Contourlet Transform


Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging is very sensitive to direction, so the information that SAR images contain is often not completely same from different directions. The information obtained from multi-directions must be more abundant and more accurate than that of from a single direction in a SAR image. The Contourlet transform is a multi-scale geometric analysis theory, holding many advantages for signal processing, such as multi-resolution, multi-direction and anisotropy; therefore, it is in favor of extracting different direction information for SAR images. According to the directional sensitivity of SAR imaging and the characteristics of multi-scale and multi direction to the Contourlet transform, this paper proposed a new SAR image change detection method based on Contourlet transform, called CTCD algorithm. Using the multi-direction characteristic of Contourlet transform, the CTCD method can get more accurate changed information for multi-temporal SAR images. The practical SAR image data is employed to test the CTCD algorithm and results show that the CTCD algorithm is a feasible change detection algorithm for multi-temporal SAR images, and it can obtain more abundant and more accurate information than the direct difference change detection (DDCD) algorithm.
