  • 期刊


A Study on the Classification of Government Records in Taiwan (1946-1981)




This article discussed the evolution of the records classification system after the retrocession of Taiwan chronologically. The main research scope is the Taiwan Provincial Government Bulletin and the related investigation reports of the Executive Yuan. Based on the analysis results, the development of records classification (1946-1981) is divided into three periods: The first period was the Onset Period (1946-1958), when the records classification of each government institution was inconsisent. The second period was the Official Document Processing and Improving Period (1959-1971), when the Taiwan Provincial Government and the Executive Yuan reviewed the practical implementation of the administrative manual issued by the Executive Yuan in 1956, and then the Taiwan Provincial Government proposed a new standard, which included the classification and sorting method of the Ministry of National Defense. The third period was the Records Management Improving Period (1972-1981). The Taiwan Provincial Government reviewed the issues of records management since the retrocession of Taiwan during the period. In 1979, it proposed new amendments and regulations that combined the retention period table with the records classification table. From then on, records classification system in Taiwan became stable.


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行政改革建議案研議小組委員會(編)(1963)。行政改革建議案檢討報告。臺北市:編者。【Xing zheng gai ge jian yi an yan yi xiao zu wei yuan hui (Eds.). (1963). Xing zheng gai ge jian yi an jian tao bao gao. Taipei: Bian zhe. (in Chinese)】
行政院及所屬機關組織權責研討委員會(編)(1957a)。中央行政改革建議案。臺北市:編者。【Xing zheng yuan ji suo shu ji guan zu zhi quan ze yan tao wei yuan hui (Eds.). (1957a). Zhong yang xing zheng gai ge jian yi an. Taipei: Bian zhe. (in Chinese)】
行政院及所屬機關組織權責研討委員會(編)(1957b)。中央行政機關組織權責問題調查報告。臺北市:編者。【Xing zheng yuan ji suo shu ji guan zu zhi quan ze yan tao wei yuan hui (Eds.). (1957b). Zhong yang xing zheng ji guan zu zhi quan ze wen ti diao cha bao gao. Taipei: Bian zhe. (in Chinese)】
