  • 期刊

以CIDOC CRM建置現代舞舞蹈家舞作知識本體平臺之研究

Study on Establishing an Ontology Platform of Modern Dancers' Dance Works Based on CIDOC CRM


雲門作為臺灣現代舞的著名代表舞團,對於臺灣的現代舞發展有著不小的貢獻,但除了雲門舞集基金會所作之數位典藏網站外,其餘相關紀錄極為稀少,作為藝術團體相關之研究著實不易,因此本研究蒐集雲門舞集數位典藏網站的資料內容,結合網路資源,以CIDOC CRM本體為主,建立現代舞舞蹈家舞作知識本體,並加入Schema.org作為資料欄位的擴充,建立了12個類別、46種屬性、248項實例、467條關聯的現代舞舞蹈家舞作本體。透過鏈結資料的特性,將網路上更多關於雲門的資料彙整連接,並進一步透過語意關係建立其彼此的關係。並且使用Protégé、Django、TimelineJS、D3.js、RDFLib、Apache Jena Fuseki等工具,建置現代舞舞蹈家舞作知識本體平台。


As a famous representative dance theatre of Taiwanese modern dance, the Cloud Gate has laid a profound contribution to the development of modern dance in Taiwan. However, apart from the digital archives of the Cloud Gate, other relevant records are extremely rare; as a result, it is difficult to conduct research based on the open data. This study collects the data from the digital archives of the Cloud Gate, combines Internet resources, and primarily uses the CIDOC CRM ontology for establishing the ontology of modern dances created by modern dancers. In addition to CIDOC CRM, Schema.org is employed as an expansion of the metadata fields. As a result, this study has established 12 classes, 46 properties, 248 instances, and 467 relations. Through the feature of linked data, more information about the Cloud Gate on the Internet is aggregated and connected, and their relationship with each other is further established through semantic relations. The tools used in the established platform include Protégé, Django, TimelineJS, D3.js, RDFLib, Apache Jena Fuseki.


CIDOC CRM Ontology Linked Data Cloud Gate Modern dance


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