  • 期刊


Overseas Chinese Organizations in a Socialist State: The Historical and Present Situation of Cuban Chinese Associations after the Cuban Revolution




古巴 華人社團 社會主義 歷史 現狀


The Cuban Revolution led to significant transformation of Cuba's social and political structure, and also greatly influenced Chinese associations in Cuba. However, under the socialist system, Chinese associations in Cuba were not completely banned, unlike some Chinese associations in European and Asian socialist countries shown in previous studies. Instead, benefiting from Cuba's relatively special socialist system, Cuban Chinese associations partially maintained some functional structures that existed before the Cuban Revolution, such as providing assistance to their members, preserving Chinese culture, and connecting their hometown and their country of residence. Furthermore, with the adjustment and "actualizer (renewal)" of the "orthodox" socialism by the Cuban government before and after the end of the cold war, the Chinese associations in Cuba not only achieved significant development and improvement in economic strength, but also gained more power and space in the local political public life. On the other hand, with the socialist political system, Cuba was isolated from the outside world for a long time, and it had a low socioeconomic development level. Under the influence of historical tradition and current political and economic structure, Cuban Chinese associations faced many problems compared with their counterparts in other regions of the world. The problems included the small number of members, high level of localization, low frequency of participating in global transnationalism activities, and vast internal differentiation of the associations. These elements together show the special path-dependence and complex fate of the Cuban Chinese associations under socialism, which made the Chinese associations in Cuba a rare and unique case among the Chinese associations across the world.


Cuba Chinese associations socialism history present situation


訪談記錄:楊新新、李柏達訪問鄺啟巨集(古巴中華總會館副主席) ,2018年7月6日,哈瓦那中華總會館
王庚武著,天津編譯中心譯,《中國與海外華人》(香港:商務印書館,1994 )
Khun Eng Kuah-Pearce, Evelyn Hu-Dehart, Introduction: The Chinese Diaspora and Voluntary Associations, in Voluntary Organizations in the Chinese Diaspora, eds. Khun Eng Kuah-Pearce and Evelyn Hu-Dehart (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2006), 1-28
