  • 期刊


A Nursing Experience of Caring for a Patient with Confirmed Covid-19 in Quarantine Short title: A Nursing Experience of a COVID-19 Case


2019年底中國武漢爆發新冠肺炎(Coronavirus Disease 2019, COVID-19)感染,疫情隨即擴散至世界各地。本文描述疫情開始之初,一位自武漢返台之台灣籍中年男性,於確診為COVID-19個案後,依法由所在地衛生局安排進行住院隔離治療。經評估,於2020年1月31日至2月14日隔離期間,生理狀況尚為平穩,屬於非重症之感染個案;惟在心理上有焦慮及社交隔離的護理問題,需要醫護人員投入關注。作者利用監視器與電話,以觀察、會談方式收集資料,釐清個案的健康狀況,並結合理論與實務,以Watson所提之十項關懷理論執行護理照護、實踐護理關懷的本質。此外,在智慧型手機幾乎成為生活一部分的現代,音樂是相對容易取得的資源,作者使用已被廣泛應用於健康照護的音樂療法,協助提升個案於隔離期間面對疾病的心理適應性,過程中與個案建立良好之護病關係,並適時提供個別護理。COVID-19病人照護是醫護界過去鮮少的經驗,期望此篇經驗分享可作為臨床護理師照顧因患有新興傳染病而必須接受隔離治療之個案的照顧參考。


At the end of 2019, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak occurred in Wuhan, China. This outbreak rapidly spread globally. In this paper, we described the case of a middle-aged male who returned from Wuhan at the start of the pandemic and was diagnosed with COVID-19. The local health department arranged for the patient to be quarantined in a hospital according to law. During the quarantine period (from Jan 31. 2020 to Feb 14, 2020), his physiological status was assessed to be stable; therefore, he was categorized as a non-severe case. However, he had problems of anxiety and social isolation and required attention from the medical staff. Monitors and a telephone were used for observation and interviews to collect data and to determine the health status of the patient. In addition, nursing theories were integrated with practice, and the Watson's 10 carative factors of nursing were used to conduct nursing care. Moreover, as electronic communication products, such as the smart phone, have become an indispensable part of people's daily life, music is a resource that is relatively easy to obtain. The author used music therapy, which is widely used in healthcare settings, to improve the psychological adaptation of the patient during the quarantine period, to establish a good nurse-patient relationship during the process, and to provide personalized nursing at an appropriate timing. Caring for a patient with COVID-19 is a rare experience, and we hope that we can share this experience with clinical nurses as a reference for caring for patients who are in quarantine due to this novel infectious disease.




