  • 期刊


A study of using carbon footprint computation to analyze carbon emission amounts for a lunch box at Shih Hsin University's student dining room


減碳可減緩溫室氣體的排放,不但可使全球暖化速度減慢而且可以減少氣候變遷對環境的衝擊,減碳救地球應從每一個人低碳食物的管理做起。本文便是利用產品生命週期評估(Product Life Cycle Assessments, Product LCA)的方法對世新大學學生餐廳一個排骨餐盒作碳足跡計算,來分析它的碳排放量,計算結果顯示它的碳排放量是0.8420(kgCO_2e/個),其中食材的碳排放比例達到最高值81.0%,食材中排骨與杏鮑菇的碳排放值較大。依據世界各國調查研究顯示在個人的碳排放當中食物消費產生的碳排放佔的比例為最高,約20%,由此可知個人低碳飲食管理應全面推廣,應養成多一些蔬果、少一點蝦與肉的飲食習慣,吃的均衡、吃的健康,從學校教育開始,再推動到社會各階層。另外,機關團體也應實施減碳政策,在水、電瓦斯能源方面應建立「雲端管理」系統,不但可達減碳的碳中和目的,同時也可以有相當的經濟效益,這是未來的新趨勢。


Carbon reduction can mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, not only slowing the global warming, but also reducing climate change's impact on the environment. Reducing carbon emissions should start with low-carbon food management. This article used the Product LCA(Product Life Cycle Assessment) approach with carbon footprint computation to analyze carbon emission amounts of a sparerib lunch box at Shih Hsin University's student dining room. Computed result showed carbon emissions of a sparerib lunch box was 0.8420 kgCO_2e with proportion of food material to carbon emission achieving maximum of 81.0% value. The carbon emissions proportion was bigger for sparerib and king oyster mushroom. According to various countries' investigations, the proportion of food carbon emissions to total carbon emissions has the highest value 20%. Thus, individual low-carbon food management should be comprehensively promoted, use of fruits and vegetables fostered, while decreasing meat and shrimp. Balanced, healthy eating habits, start with school education, and moves to various levels of society. In addition, institutions should also implement carbon reduction policies. Water, electricity and gas energy be monitored to create a cloud management system, achieving not only carbon reduction and carbon neutral purposes, but also creating economic benefits. This is a new trend in the future.
