  • 會議論文


"Usanmi" and "Dalo" : Sacrifice and Culture Boundaries of Kume Villagers in Okinawa


「御三味」 (琉球話,ウサンミusanmi) ,即雞、豬、魚、三牲禮,是沖繩久米村人祭把祖先的必備供品,「大牢」,即全牛、全羊、全豬,是久米村人祭孔的必備供品。久米村人,十四世紀末為幫助琉球地方對明國順利進貢而移住那霸的福建人及其子孫,歷經琉球王國、日本國、美國託管、復歸日本幾個政權,至今六百餘年。本文探討沖繩久米村人如何隨著政權更途,選擇、傳承、展演各式祭祀供品,以此強調「我族」和「他族」的差異,並藉此強化族群邊界來凝聚認同。透過文獻和田野調查,我首先簡單介紹久米村人,其次列舉久米村人的主要祭祀,包括儒教釋典、道教神明、及歲時節慶,所使用的食物類別和意義。最後,討論「御三味」與「大牢」如何被用作民族集團認同的文他符號。結果發現: 一定規格的雞、豬、魚、三牲恐怕是久米村人僅存且極為模糊的民族邊界。儘管無法堅守中國古代傳統釋奠供品「大牢」,久米村人依舊以崇聖會為基地,以傳承、闡揚孔子儒教精神為己任,持續不斷的舉行釋奠禮,同時各宗親會在清明時召開盛大的開琉祖祭祀儀式,旨在透過儀式性行為,伴隨著飲食的行為,進行溝通、交流、崇敬,強化內部共識,凝聚集團力量,對外展示、強調「我族」久米村人是琉球王國時代傳承孔子思想的士族子孫,與「他族」一般沖繩人是不一樣的,其最終目的在藉此提高集團在沖繩社會的地位。


"Usanmi" ( 御三味/ウサンミ) requires that chicken, pig, with fish included, are must-offerings when Okinawa Kume Villagers worship their ancestors. "Dalo"( 大牢), requires that all cattle, all sheep, all pigs are essential sacrifices for Kume villagers to offer in Confucianism Ceremony. Kume villagers, originally from Fujian Province of China in the late 14th century after helping the Ryukyu Kingdom as a tributary state to the Ming Dynasty, have been living in Naha, Okinawa, Japan for over 600 years. This study explores how the Kume villagers emphasize their differences from Okinawan people by choosing, inheriting and performing all kinds of sacrificial offerings in order to strengthen the culture boundaries as well as to unite maintain and solidify ethnic identity. Through literature and field research, I first introduce the history of Kume villagers, followed by the food used in Kume villager worship, including Confucianism ceremonyies, the worship of Taoist deities, and festivals. Finally, I examine how "Usanmi" and "Dalo" can be used as an ethnic identity and cultural symbols. The results show that: Usanmi is probably the only remaining, but weak, boundary for Kume Villagers and is extremely vague. Kume villagers stress that they are the Nobles' descendants from the Ryukyu Kingdom era and are different from other Okinawan people as demonstrated by holding the Confucianism Ceremony and ancestor worship on Ching Ming (清明) -the grave visiting festival. The constant, ultimate aim is clearly to improve their distinct social status in Okinawa society.
