  • 期刊


A study of competency analysis for E-content instructional designers


隨著網路興起,數位學習為學習型態下了新的註解。本研究針對數位內容教學設計師(E-Content Instructional Designer)進行專業職能分析,主要目的為:(1)調查數位學習內容業者之教學設計師的專業職能,包含分析、設計、發展、實施、評鑑、管理與學理知識等能力;(2)將來培育該人才之建議,彙整產官學專家之教學設計師專業職能意見,提供相關系所之課程建議。本研究採修正型德懷術,共進行三回合之問卷調查,調查出數位內容教學設計師專業職能有「分析」、「設計」、「發展」、「實施」、「評鑑」、「管理」與「學理知識」等七大構面,四十九個能力分項。研究結果顯示,七大構面中,以「設計」與「管理」兩構面重要程度為最高;「發展」則為相對重要性最低者,表示專家認為數位內容教學設計師的工作以教學設計為首,應以設計教學內容、方法與策略為主,另須負責管理教學設計專案與合作對象溝通,以利專案順利進行;發展能力則因實務專家於工作中較少運用,而與學術專家意見產生差異,為相對不重要之構面,學術專家則根據文獻認為發展能力也為重要職能構面之一。根據研究結果,建議相關育才機構於課程規劃之際,須將理論與實務並重,學校教育應多重視管理課程;企業則應厚實理論之基礎。


With the rapid development of internet technology, E-learning has gain its recognition as becoming a new way of learning. The present study aimed at analyzing the professional competency for the E-content instructional designer. The modified Delphi technique was applied in this study and a survey questionnaire was used to collect data. The questionnaires were circulated three rounds before the experts opinions finally came to a consensus. The results confirmed that the professional competency for the E-content instructional designer encompassed seven dimensions, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation, management, and subject matter knowledge, with a total of fourty-nine competency indicators. The results indicated that the skills in design and management were the most important to the E-content instructional designer, while the skills in development were the least important relatively. Such finding implied that the top priorities for an E-content instructional designer were designing instructions and project management. In order words, tasks such as content design, sequencing instructions, applying appropriate instructional strategies, overseeing the progress of the entire project, communicate with the clients, making sure the project is going smoothly, etc were the core of the job. On the other hand, developmental skills turned out to receive a relative low importance level due to the discrepancy in expert opinions. The practitioner-experts claimed that developmental skills were seldom practiced in the job fields, nevertheless the academia-experts argued that developmental skills was considered one of the important competencies based on existing literature. Derived from the results, the present study proposed that the training and educational institutions of the E-content instructional designer position an equivalent emphasis on both theoretical as well as practical skills and knowledge. In addition, universities education should provide more management or related courses; whereas corporate training should underline the theoretical foundations.


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Learning Circuits Glossary
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Using competencies to build a successful organization
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