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Learning from the Last Stage of Jesus' Life to Construct Strategy of Implementing Pastoral Care for the End-of-Life




Pastoral care for the dying is a critical ministry in the church. Clergy must be aware of their own theology on dying, take responsibility to teach believers regarding life and death¸ and have competency to implement pastoral care for the dying. This study aimed to review four Gospels especially on Jesus' experiences before His death and to understand its historic meaning to construct the strategy of implementing pastoral care for the dying. Three stages of the last mile of Jesus' life were Prayer in Gethsemane Garden, Seven Words on the Cross, and Resurrection and Appearance. The study found that Jesus experienced total pain from physical, psychological, social, and spiritual hurt. Those experiences could also interpret and answer the common distresses of dying people today. Caring people for dying requires a holistic understanding but clergy would practice with a focus on spirituality. A clinical model for hospice care which is named 5F3S Interreligious Spiritual Care Model could be a good framework for the church to implement caring ministry for the dying. Based on the study, the church could establish not only a foundation but also a direction to construct the caring strategy of the ministry for the dying and their families.
