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The Divergence and Integration of Local/Indigenous Consciousness in Hong Kong under the China Factor: From 2003 to 2016





本土意識 中國因素 民主 民族 香港


With the growth of its political and economic influences, China has been impacting the world differently. Located on the periphery of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong have complicated connections with China in both geopolitics and history. In this paper, we observe many social conflicts and contradictions in the interactive process among Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China. There is an interesting and paradoxical phenomenon: The more closely these areas are integrated, the greater is the local/indigenous consciousness in Taiwan and Hong Kong. With the framework of the China factor's action and reaction, we focus on the development of local/ indigenous consciousness in Hong Kong. In addition to confronting Chinese nationalism, there has been a complex and unique development of Hong Kong's local/indigenous consciousness: cleavages and conflicts, along with the changing political situation. In the analysis, we propose three types of local/indigenous consciousness: democratic reunification, democratic self-determination, and national self-determination. These three types also correspond to three modes of contention: peaceful, rational and non-violence, and no foul language/ civil disobedience/ brave fight. Different types of local/indigenous discourses have their own supporters regarding different affections, interests, and ideologies. Different supporters also employ different resistance strategies based on their discourses. Furthermore, these cleavages bring about integration problems in Hong Kong's democratic movement.


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