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A Crisis or an Opportunity? Two Cases of Museum Reengineering in the UK




Museums in Taiwan have faced a series of challenges, including market saturation, increasing competition and decreasing resources. Public museums have also been confronted with pressure from the government, such as privatization, outsourcing, establishment of foundations and streamlining of organizational structures. This seems to be the first crisis for museums in Taiwan in the new millennium. A similar situation has been occurring in the UK for the last three decades, with many museums adopting organizational reform or reengineering to create new opportunities. The theory of reengineering was proposed in the 1990s and widely discussed. The concept of 3Cs (customer, change and competition) has been adapted to the museum sector and some scholars have used it to create a new business model for museums in the 21st century. This research began with a review of organizational theories and reengineering and how they are utilized in museums. The history of UK museums over the last twenty years was then reviewed to understand the interaction between museums and their environments. Through an analysis of two cases, an insight into how an organization responds to the rapidly changing society is provided. The first is the British Museum and its constant organizational restructuring, while the second is the Glasgow Museums and their movement toward trust status. It is the aim of this research, through an analysis of the two cases, to provide inspiration for museums in Taiwan to reposition themselves and find their own niches. Only when this is done can museums transform crisis into opportunity and create a new direction and better future.


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