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Preliminary Study on the Ethical Dilemmas Related to Collection and Preservation of Archaeological Human Remains: A Case Study of Kennewick Man




In the development process of modern archaeology, tomb-related archaeological heritage possesses multiple dimensions, such as the challenge to spiritual blessings from ancestors to decedents, deprivation of decedents' inheritance to the material and spiritual heritage of ancestors, transfer of personal property to the nation state, and public sharing of privately owned property. In the case of Kennewick Man, there is a notable two-sided dimension, namely a community's material fortune and spiritual sustenance and scientific resources shared by the public. On the surface, the conflict in the Kennewick Man case was between reburial and scientific study. On a deeper level, it was a debate between the present interests of indigenous peoples and the right to scientific study. From the perspective of discourse ethics, the principles of universalism and discourse ethics can be applied to resolve the ethical dilemmas of this case. Firstly, ownership, legitimate collector, and conservator must be defined with consideration given to the interests of the decedent community. Secondly, while abiding by heritage protection policy of making the past serve the present, the ultimate goal of collecting and preserving heritage must be made clear to create the proper social atmosphere for scientific study. Thirdly, platforms for cooperation should be established, based on openness and dialogue, to invite the participation of decedent community and to promote the advancement of knowledge in the public sphere.


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郝鑠,2015。新美洲原住民之謎,科學新聞,16: 76-78。
