  • 期刊


The Study of the Paths of the Influences on Quality through Ideology of Organizational Change in Junior High Schools


本文旨在探索國民小學組織變革意識型態對變革品質影響之路徑。學校組織變革係指學校組織對新理念的採用,且意識型態會指涉理念體系,故其為學校組織變革的媒介,並經由變革型態,驅使人們對於執行策略進行選擇,來影響變革品質。而學校組織變革意識型態,係指在學校組織變革小,個體回應權力階級所形成的一套價值,分為正面與負面兩個向度。學校組織變革正而意識型態由具倫理性、功能性、及反省性特質的價值所組成,會經由變革之創生型態,驅使人們選擇有效執行策略,來提升變革品質;反之,學校組織變革負而意識型態由無倫理性、無功能性、及無反省性特質的價值所組成,會經由變革之靜態型態,以驅使人們排除選擇有效執行策略,會戕害變革品質。為了驗證本研究的理論,本研究採調查研究法,並在全臺灣地區719所國民小學,以分層隨機取樣抽取105所 學校為樣本,共寄出2500份問卷,有效同收問卷為1280份,有效回收率為53%,並以線性結構模式考驗研究假設,據以提卅結論與建議。


The study is to explore the paths of the influences on quality through ideology of organizational change in junior high schools. In fact, organizational change in schools is the adoption of a new idea by an organization, and an ideology refers to a set of closely related ideas. Therefore, ideology, as its medium, will influence the quality of organizational change in schools. In general, ideology of organizational change in schools is defined as the process and product of forming value systems. It involves positive and negative conceptual systems. Positive ideology includes the values of ethic, function, and reflection. On the other hand, negative ideology includes the values of non-ethic, non-function, and non-reflection. The quality of organizational change in schools is influenced by positive ideology through morphogenesis and effective implementation strategies. In contrast, the quality of organizational change in schools 1S influenced by negative ideology through morphostatics and ineffective implementation strategies. In order to achieve the purpose, the study uses the questionnaire method to collect data, choosing 105 out of 719 junior schools as samples through a stratified random sampling approach. Of 2500 questionnaires sent out, 1280 completed ones were obtained and studied. The Liseral model was then used to test research hypotheses. Based on the results, the study provides people with some suggestions.


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