  • 期刊


DASH Diet Intervention for Prehypertension Patient: A Case Series


心臟血管疾病、糖尿病及高血壓為國人十大死因中幾個主要致因,然而罹患這些代謝疾病之初的控制並不需全然仰賴藥物,若能加強非藥物性治療之管理,則可大幅節省國家之醫療支出。在非藥物性治療法中又以得舒飲食(Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension [DASH] diet)為當前各國極力提倡的降血壓飲食治療方法之一。本研究目的為將DASH diet及營養教育的推廣導入醫院非藥物性療法醫療流程及系統中,探討藉由改善病人飲食內容對於血壓、血脂之影響。本研究為一介入性病例系列研究(2014~2015年),共7名高血壓成人病人符合篩選條件且皆完成介入研究。在介入期結束後持續追蹤12週,共計24週。本研究對於個案體重的下降有很大的效益,而介入第一個月及第三個月與介入結束後第三個月三酸甘油酯之濃度相較於基線皆有顯著的下降;介入結束後第三個月之高密度脂蛋白膽固醇濃度改變量則有顯著的上升。然而血壓未呈顯著差異,其原因有待未來進一步探討。在此病例系列研究中DASH diet雖然並無有效降低血壓,但對體重控制、三酸甘油酯濃度的下降及高密度脂蛋白膽固醇濃度顯著的上升有很好的效果。


Cardiovascular disease, along with diabetes and high blood pressure are major causes of death for people in our country. Those suffering from these metabolic diseases do not need to completely rely on expensive drugs. If we strengthen the non-pharmacological management of these patients, we will have significant savings in health care spending. In the non-drug treatment method, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet therapy is one of the blood pressure lowering treatments currently strongly advocated by different countries. The purpose of this study is to promote the DASH diet and improved nutrition. This is done by introducing non-drug therapies, medical procedures, and systems in the hospital to influence blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels by improving the patient diet. This study was an interventional study. During the study period of 24 weeks from 2014 to 2015, a total of 7 hypertensive adult patients met the screening criteria and completed the study. Tracking for 12 weeks after the end of the study. There were great weight loss benefits in this project, and the baseline serum triglyceride (TG) concentration showed a significant decline in the first and third months of intervention. The high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) concentration in the third month after the end of the intervention compared to the baseline before the intervention was also significantly increased. However, there were no significant changes in the blood pressure for reasons which will still be confirmed in the future. Although the DASH diet did not effectively lower blood pressure, weight control, reduction in TG concentration, and an increase in HDL-C concentration, have been the positive effects in this study.
