  • 期刊


Improvement of Nutritional Balance of Vegetarian Diet in Hospital


由於素食加工品潛藏食安風險,加上素食者因飲食上的限制,部分維生素及礦物質不易達到營養素建議攝取量(Dietary Reference Intakes, DRIs)之建議量。本專案為藉由檢視本院素食菜單供應食材及分析提供的營養成分,來調整素食供應內容,來達成減少素食加工品的使用及提升營養素之均衡目的。計畫前先將15日菜單內容進行營養素成分分析,此菜單結果發現鈣、鋅、維生素B2、維生素B6、菸鹼素、維生素B12、維生素E未達DRIs建議量。素食供應內容的調整分成三大部分:一、收集食譜並修正素食菜單,食材主要以傳統板豆腐取代素食仿肉類加工品作為蛋白質營養來源;二、利用改變食材質地、形狀及天然辛香食材來增加菜色整體豐富度與質感;三、增加食材多樣性,並調整主食及點心供應來提升營養均衡度。經由素食菜單、食材、點心及主食供應內容調整後,不僅去除素食加工品,素食餐點所提供的營養素皆可達100% DRIs,每日食材成本可減少7.8%。此外,院內病人滿意度調查中,新案在菜色變化、新鮮度的滿意度平均分數分別提升12.5及8.1%。本次素食供應調整專案,不僅提升餐點的健康及營養均衡度,同時可降低成本及提升病人的滿意度。


Due to the hidden risk on food safety in vegetarian processed products and dietary restrictions among vegetarians, it is difficult for some vitamins and minerals in the vegetarian meals to reach the recommended Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) standard. Through the investigation and analysis of the ingredients of the food materials in the menu, this project aimed to reduce the use of vegetarian processed products and enhance the nutritional balance of the diet. We analyzed the nutrient compositions of food items 15 days before the project started. The results indicated a disqualification of calcium, zinc, vitamin B2, B6, B12, E, and nicotinic acid according to DRIs standard. The adjustment of vegetarian food contents was divided into three parts. First, we collected the vegetarian recipes and revised the menu. Traditional plate tofu was used to replace the meat mimics processed food as the main protein source. Second, we changed the texture and shape of the food materials added natural flavorings to increase the overall richness and texture of the dishes. Finally, we increased the diversity of food materials and adjusted the staple and deserts to enhance the nutritional balance. These changes reduced the use of vegetarian processed products, increased the DRIs to 100.0%, and reduced the daily cost by 7.8%. In addition, the average score of satisfaction on the meals and freshness of the inpatient satisfaction survey increased by 12.5% and 8.1% after the project. This vegetarian supply adjustment project enhanced the health and nutritional balance of the meals, reduced the production costs, and improved the patient satisfaction.
